
My Google Scholar page

Selected Papers

Talbot, B. M., Jacko, N. F., Petit III, R. A., Pegues, D. A., Shumaker, M. J., Read, T. D., & David, M. Z. (2022). Unsuspected clonal spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in hospitalized adults detected using whole genome sequencing. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75(12), 2104-2112.,

Talbot, B. M., Clennon, J. A., Rakotoarison, M. F. N., Rautman, L., Durry, S., Ragazzo, L. J., … & Read, T. D. (2024). Metagenome-wide characterization of shared antimicrobial resistance genes in sympatric people and lemurs in rural Madagascar. PeerJ, 12, e17805.

Selected Presentations

Talbot BM, Clennon J, Rakotoarison F, Rautman,L, Durry S, Ragazzo LJ, Wright PC, Gillespie TR, Read TD. Metagenome-wide characterization of shared antimicrobial resistance genes in sympatric people and lemurs in rural Madagascar. [Oral presentation] SEB-ASM Annual Conference, Nov 3-5 (2023).

Talbot BM, Jacko NF, Petit III RA, Pegues DA, Shumaker MJ, Read TD, David MZ. Clonal transmission and recurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in hospitalized adults detected using whole genome sequencing. [Oral presentation]. Gordon Research Conference. July 30-Aug 5 (2023).

Talbot BM. Love Sick: Identifying and Investigating Infectious Disease Outbreaks. [Oral Presentation] Biology on Tap Seminar Series, New York City, New York. February 12 (2020).

Talbot BM, Sunkara R, Peterson E, Fireteanu A, Liu Q, Latash J, Waechter H, Reddy V, Gutelius B. Evaluating the Impact of Multiplex PCR Use on Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Surveillance, New York City, 2016–2018. [Oral presentation] CSTE Annual Conference, June 2-6 (2019).

Talbot BM, Jacko, NF, Petit III, RA, Pegues, DA, Shumaker, MJ, Read, TD, & David, MZ. Clonal transmission and recurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in hospitalized adults detected using whole genome sequencing. [Poster]. 13th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers. Sept 14-17 (2022).

Talbot BM, Drezner, K, Thomas, C, Beverley, J. Prioritizing prevention in practice: providing PrEP at an STD/TB clinic. [Poster] STD Prevention Conference, Aug 27-30 (2018).

Talbot BM, Mantus, G, Peng, J, Bethony, J, Chang, A. Comparison of serological and symptomatic diagnosis of Zika virus infection using the reporter virus particle (RVP) neutralization assay on samples from Atlántico, Colombia [Poster] Society for Epidemiological Research, June 19-22 (2018).

Talbot BM, Lin, S, Niforatos-Andescavage, N, Wang, P, Scafidi, S, Scafidi, J. N-acetylaspartate is a biomarker for behavioral and metabolic injury and recovery after chronic perinatal hypoxia [poster] Society for Neuroscience, Nov 11-15 (2017).

Other Blog Posts

Talbot, B., Raghuram, V., & Read, T. (2022). Meet the Staph: A menagerie of common S. aureus reference strains. Zenodo.

Talbot, B. M., & Read, T. D. (2021). Ok Google, How do I learn Data Science?. Zenodo.