Bubblegum and Paperclips

Brooke Talbot's Professional Site and Science Blog
  • Tips for Science Communication from Singing

    By Brooke Talbot
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    As a scientist, did you know you have a lot in common with singers? Maybe you aren’t selling out arenas or dressing in fancy costumes, but you do share an important goal: you want to communicate effectively to an audience. There are many different ways that we as scientists share... [Read More]
  • Solutions for Duplicated Data Using Turkey Trot Race Results

    By Brooke Talbot
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    Recently, I ran into a problem with my research data. I was working with a table of bacterial colony isolates that were whole genome sequenced a few times because of a variety of quality issues. Consequently, I needed to deduplicate some of the records, but the mix of dates, batch... [Read More]
  • Hello World!

    By Brooke Talbot
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    Welcome to Bubble Gum and Paperclips. This space is dedicated to the unpolished side of science that is in a constant state of progress. Here you will find examples of different ways to visualize data, examples of coding solutions, and reflections on building a career in public health microbiology and... [Read More]